Monday, July 12, 2010

Leapfrog Alphabet Pal Review

I have friends with a 14 month old daughter. They had this toy for her and showed it to us one night at dinner. The little girl of course loves it, but I wanted to say that my husband loved it just as much. The sounds are super cool and you can do so many things with it. There is a mode for spelling out words and a different mode for playing music! Each letter of the alphabet plays a different song. There is so much variety to this toy it is impressive.

My brother is in his 30s and is a musician. He loves sampling various sounds from things so I sent him one as a Christmas gift. He thinks it is as cool as the 14 month old. He has even taken it with him to use at live concerts to play on stage. This thing really has some range!

SPOILER ALERT: This is silly, but I love this toy for one more thing. If you try to spell a dirty word, as soon as the word becomes apparent, the toy laughs and says "That Tickles". How amazing is that!? I also love that my husband figured it out and so did my brother, both in the first 5 minutes of playing with it. So you know that the toy will be safe in the hands of even the most inappropriate friend or family member.Get more detail about Leapfrog Alphabet Pal.

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