Friday, November 5, 2010

Allowance Game

Objective of the game: A player wins the game by landing on the right spots (where you do good things like 'Get Good Grades' or 'Baby Sit' or 'Celebrate your Birthday') and earning $20 dollars. If you land on the certain spots (like 'Overdue Library Book', 'Play Video Games') you pay for it using your money.

Contents: $1 and $5 Notes, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, Coins (for depositing in the Bank or setting up the Lemonade Stand), and a Dice

Reasons why we like the toy:
1. Educational: Teaches kids about coin denominations, addition, subtraction, and about various ways to pay out the same amount of money. They learn that doing good things benefits you in the game and that doing bad things will cost you. Furthermore (maybe more importantly) they learn that it is you win some times and you loose sometimes, and that it is not be the winner in every game.

2. Great time-pass: This game easily goes on for an hour, and works very well in terms of keeping the kids in one place and helps in increasing their attention span. Additionally, it's a fun thing to do as a family.

3. Great Negotiating Tool: Given the "Allowance" Money looks very similar to real money - our son has started placing more value on these dollars vs. real ones. As a result, we can use the money in this game for demonstrating value to him (Ex: Don't break this toy, as this would cost you $20 dollars in your Allowance money - and you can be sure he will not even think of breaking the toy!)

4. Great Gift: Ever since we got this toy for our 4.5 year old son - this toy has worked very well in terms of giving it as a gift to all of his friends. It is a hit every time, and fits well with our budget.Get more detail about Allowance Game.

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