Monday, May 31, 2010

Purchase Vtech Tote and Go Laptop Pink

I bought this for my daughter ([...] at Target in pink -it's also available in brighter colors and in a Winnie the Pooh for $2-$3 more, pretty much the same type of thing, possibly different characters...I didn't check).

Someone reviewed that they got it for a 2 year old. The age range says, 3-6...I don't think a 2 year old could navigate this level. So do yourself a favor and don't buy for the pre-potty trained set. It's a preschool-level toy laptop and it requires some logic to operate, problem-solving of the most basic level. I don't say that in a nasty way, it is what it is. I can imagine how frustrating that would be, both for parent and child, to have a toy that they can't get the knack of.

My daughter is 4 and she loves it. She likes the games feature the most. I like that it was inexpensive and it looks like it's going to be able to withstand some abuse so I was totally all for it. She can play games on a real computer and this one is great because it's instant gratification. There's never going to be a virus or a loading time for this and it's something that's just for her to use.

4 different operations, about 5 things to choose from for each: ABC's, Numbers, Logic and Games. Games, of course, is what she wants to play right now.

Uses batteries. Has it's own easy-to-use mouse that stores underneath. Can be left or right-handed.

I wanted to play around with it, but will have to wait until she's in school -when I asked her if she could use it, she said, "Get in line, please". LOLGet more detail about Vtech Tote and Go Laptop Pink.

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