Saturday, June 26, 2010

Where To Buy FlashMaster: Handheld computer for mastering multiplication tables that makes flashcards obsolete

I bought this for my 9 year old stepdaughter (at the time) who was still using her fingers to add and subtract. It was driving me nuts, because I am a math teacher, and I've never had a successful algebra student who was still using their fingers. SO one summer, while she was with us, I blew the $50 thinking well - it's worth a shot. I bribed her with $1 on her prepaid phone for every level mastered at 100% in 90 seconds. We spent the summer with flashmaster, she went back to 5th grade and pulled As in math the first semester, Bs the second. She's in 7th grade now, still making B's in math - Honors Pre Algebra.

It was worth the $50, and I'm about to buy another one for my younger two because I loaned the first to a friend.Get more detail about FlashMaster: Handheld computer for mastering multiplication tables that makes flashcards obsolete.

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